A good colony of bees will generally have one queen bee, 1,000 or more drones and up to 60,000 workers.

Shaneene Jones, 1 of the 60,000 worker bees, has had extensive experience in corporate business-to-business marketing and communications over the last 15 years. During this time, she has worked across niche and more broad-scale markets, each drawing upon different skill sets. Shaneene prides herself on her written and verbal communications skills, as well as her ability to effectively manage and influence teams and work collaboratively.

As a colony, we have a diverse background, which includes internal and external communications - advertising, sponsorship, media relations, market research and event management, as well as experience in community investment, product development and training, customer relationship management and public speaking.


Shaneene Jones - Principal

We specialise in the development and implementation of integrated marketing communications strategies, whether it be for internal or external stakeholders, and have a proven track record in change management, divestment and crisis management communications.
Quote LogoWhen something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.

Enrique Jardiel Ponsela